18 January 2025



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Large format advertising and brand image


It will not be revealing to say that large-format advertising is one of the most frequently used forms of reaching a potential customer with an advertising message. Mass character of marketing messages makes it an effective way of presenting content, acquiring customers or presenting a company's offer.

Large format advertising has many versions - we can find both wall-mounted advertising as well as free-standing billboards or advertising structures.

Advantages of exposure

The biggest advantage of large-format advertising is undoubtedly the size of messages - here the only limitation is the place of exposition and the budget available for promotion. Presenting one advertisement of considerable size, located in a place with very high traffic, you can reach hundreds or even thousands of people a day with your message - this advantage makes outdoor advertising a powerful marketing tool. Moreover, large-format advertising is used for long-term exposure (rarely less than one month), so the message is permanent and memorable. Unfortunately, not every marketer is able to effectively use the potential of this form of advertising - for many years we have been observing progressive degradation of outdoor advertising on the market - it is enough to mention oversized advertisements, very low quality of execution or complete mismatch between advertisements (in form and content) and the space in which it is presented.

What to avoid?

The biggest of these sins is undoubtedly the poor quality of execution, the so-called budget ads, which are not backed by any thoughtful or coherent strategy. Tangled banners hanging on fences, scaffolding tipping over from the stronger wind are just some of the examples of poor approach to large format advertising. Content presented in such a form is not a form of advertising, moreover, it is often simply an anti-advertising of the company. Which marketer or brand manager would like his company's logo to stand on bent, rusted poles by the highway?

Taking care of the image

The most important asset of a brand is its image, positioning and reception among potential and active consumers (customers). The biggest companies work on their brands for years, employing specialized people to promote them, strategists, marketers, all kinds of researchers, graphic designers and other creative staff. That is why investment in outdoor advertising should be well thought-out in order to bring the expected results.

A well-developed strategy, pro-quality approach instead of budget allow to achieve brilliant effects - the key is to fit the advertisement into the surroundings, public space - it should not disfigure it, overwhelm with its size or poor quality of execution. Increasingly popular ambient solutions, such as spatial elements on billboards (e.g. the figure of a skier hanging under a billboard as if on a ski lift) make such a message stand out and allow brands to be remembered.

In conclusion, poorly planned large format advertising entails many image risks, but the potential profits are worth learning more about. It is worth taking this opportunity to use the services of an experienced outdoor company that will share its knowledge and allow you to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by outdoor advertising.

This entry was written in cooperation with Billboard-X.

Outdoor material

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